Grocery Deals, Menu Planning & 2 Valentine Dinner Options OH MY!

This week I have a super busy week! It is Valentine’s Day on Wednesday, so let the crazy begin!
That is why I have taken the liberty to create a super simple menu for the week.

Monday: Frozen Meal with Spinach and Carrots

Tuesday: Grilled Chicken with Broccoli and Rice (use leftover rice on Friday)

Wednesday, Valentine’s Day:
Steak with Lobster, Loaded baked Potato and Sweet Corn (use leftover steak and corn for Friday)
Appetizer: Shrimp Cocktail
Dessert: Triple Chocolate Tiger Cake
Culinary Challenged Alternative Menu Available (see video)

Thursday: Soup and Salad (5 minute meal)

Friday: Steak Burrito Bowl – Rice, Black Beans, Grilled Peppers and Onions, Diced Steak, Tomatoes, Shredded Cheese, Salsa and Light Sour Cream

Have a wonderful Valentin’s Day and enjoy and easy meal week!


1 comment to Grocery Deals, Menu Planning & 2 Valentine Dinner Options OH MY!

  • Hello ,

    I saw your tweet about animals and thought I will check your website. I like it!

    I love pets. I have two beautiful thai cats called Tammy(female) and Yommo(male). Yommo is 1 year older than Tommy. He acts like a bigger brother for her. 🙂
    I have even created an Instagram account for them () and probably soon they will have more followers than me (kinda funny).

    I have subscribed to your newsletter. 🙂

    Keep up the good work on your blog.
