5 Spring Cleaning Hacks

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These are 5 super simple cleaning hacks that you can try today.

1. Kool Aid to Clean Your Dishwasher

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Lemonade Kool Aid can be used for more than a refreshing beverage. It can also be used as a dishwasher cleaner. The secret ingredient is the citric acid. It works to remove lime and hard water build-up from inside the dishwasher. It can even help get rid of the rust stains.
Make sure to buy the unsweetened lemonade Kool-Aid. (generic Brands work the same) It has to be the Lemonade Flavor only because of its citric acid content.

  • Empty your dishwasher, you will want to run a cycle only with the lemonade.
  • Empty the entire single package of Kool-Aid into the dishwasher detergent dispenser.
  • Run a full cycle on normal/heavy wash. The lemonade Kool-Aid will clean as the dishwasher runs through the cycle.

After the cleaning my dishwasher has less lime build up. So, I am happy to do this every month or two, also going to try cleaning the toilets with Kool-Aid.

This hack was super cheap as the store bought dishwasher cleaner runs right around $7.00. The Lemonade Kool Aid was 24 cents.


2. Clean Sinks, Tubs and Faucets with Grapefruit and Salt

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  • Cut a grapefruit in half and sprinkle it generously with salt.
  • Wet your sink and sprinkle salt all around the part of the sink you are cleaning.
  • Use the grapefruit as a scrubber and clean the entire surface.
  • Rinse thoroughly.

Grapefruit is a natural disinfectant and while you are scrubbing you can enjoy the aroma therapy session too. The smell of Grapefruit is said to help reduce stress and have a relaxing effect on your body.

I personally, like the way it smells, refreshing and clean.
Cost would be about 55 cents for the homemade hack compared to $3.88 for the store bought.


3. Polish Stainless Steel with Cream of Tartar

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  • Mix 1 tablespoon cream of tartar with a few drops of water (like a paste or liquid glue)
  • Rub solution on stainless steel to be cleaned with a sponge and scrub
  • Wipe off with a damp paper towel

I found that the store bought was a little cheaper and worked better (less scrubbing).

Plus, I did not have Cream of Tartar in my pantry, I had to borrow it from my neighbor.

If you have it, give polishing your stainless steel a try.


4. Clean Computer Screens with Coffee Filters

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Such an awesome hack!
The coffee filter will catch the dust and cut static on the screen.
Free of fibers, unlike a paper towel.
Can be used on cell phones, tablets, computers and TV’s.
Cost is Free if you already have a ton of coffee filters like I do.


5. Homemade Granite Cleaner

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DIY Homemade Granite Cleaner is easy and inexpensive to make.

  • Just grab an empty spray bottle and add
  • 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
  • 3 drops dish soap
  • 5 to 10 drops essential oil
  • 1 -2 cups of Water (depending on the size of your spray bottle)

Shake, spray and wipe clean.
Use for cleaning your marble, granite, or stone counters.
Homemade cost $1.58 compared to store bought for $5.99.

TV Segment for Houston Life KPRC Channel 2 Houston

A special thank you goes out to Melissa and Cathy for letting me borrow their stuff for this segment!

Please share these tips with friends and let us know what you think!

If you are looking for something to get you in the mood to clean, check out these adorable aprons from FlirtyHome.com! These items contain affiliate links, which means that if you choose to purchase from these links, we can earn a small part of the sale. It costs nothing extra to you, and it helps us continue to bring articles to you. Thank you for your support!

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