I apologise for the lack of posts the last few days. We have been very busy working on the iron fence in our backyard. Of course, we could not do it the easy way, (like everyone else in our neighborhood) by just painting the rust on the iron. We have to sand (grind) the rust off the metal and then clean the iron. This is to ensure that the rust is all gone, then paint with Rust-oleom paint. Needless to say, our very SMALL yard is becoming enormous.
By doing this project ourselves, we are saving $800 to $1200 by doing all the work ourselves. The estimate seems high, until you add in all the labor hours needed to complete the project to my Dear Husbands (DH) expectations.
Anyway, I will be taking a break from fence work and back to sharing deals, at least for a couple of days.
Thanks for all the emails and concerns, just wanted to let you know that everything is fine, just working my fingers to the bone…