Check Out This Giveaway!


Houston On The Cheap has a great giveaway going on right now!

DID YOU KNOW more than 500 billion plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year? Let’s help the environment-and have some fun, too.
This is what you can win!!!
Win a set of three trendy S.H.O.P (Start Helping Our Planet) Totes™ from Calypso Studios to replace those boring reusable ones from the grocery store. These fashionable totes, stored in a convenient wristlet case, feature beautiful art and designs by American artists. Celebrities are carrying these colorful bags, too, after being giveaways at the Academy Awards this year.

The Contest is open until Sunday, May 3, at 6 p.m. CST.
Go HERE to see all the details and to enter the Giveaway!

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