Barnes & Noble – Kids Summer Reading Program

“Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program to receive your FREE book,
plus a chance to win a complete set of signed The 39 Clues books:

1. Read any eight books this summer and record them in this Passport.
Be sure to document the location you visit in each book.
2. Bring your completed Passport to a Barnes & Noble store between
May 25 and September 7, 2010.
3. Choose your FREE reading adventure from the book list featured on
the back of your Passport. Your name will be automatically entered in
the autographed book sweepstakes.
Get all the program info Here then print out your passport and see which FREE Book you will chose HERE. Books are for grades 1 to 6 only! Form is in English & Spanish!

A great summer reading program!

Don’t forget to vote for my design in the Kroger reusable bag contest HERE! Thanks!

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