Hillshire Farm Deli Select Oven Roasted Turkey (1 pound) and Honey Ham (1 pound) variety packs are on BLOW OUT Special at my Houston area local HEB. They are ONLY $1! That is right $1 for 2 pounds of Hillshire Farm Deli Select meats! Wow! What an awesome deal! Since, deli meats freeze extremely well, I have no concerns with using or freezing these before the Oct. 20, 2010 expiration date.
*****Thanks! Catherine for finding this awesome deal!*****
Now, my freezer is stocked in deli meat and I am one happy camper! BTW my receipt says that I saved $57.51! I guess this is from the Deli meat, if so, the original price of these variety packs are $9.22 each.
When you check out your local HEB, look for the $1.77 per pound boneless skinless chicken breasts and the $1 per pound split chicken breasts! These are Stock up your freezer prices! Happy shopping!