
The product on the RIGHT is the correct item!
OPPS! It seems that the coupon was only for Infinity! So very sorry! I did not even read the coupon and when it did not beep, I did not think twice. This is not the right product for the coupon. So sorry! See, even I make coupon mistakes!

Liz R. left a comment about the Always Infinity 32 count, reg. $11.29 ringing up for $4.99 then she used the coupon from last weekends paper for $4 off and got the product for only 99 cents. That is a great deal! So today, after the DH got home from work, I went to my closest CVS. They were wiped clean of the Always Infinity 32 count. So as I stood there looking defeated, I noticed that the double packs had the $4.99 tag too! Wow! With the $4.00 coupon the double packs would only cost 99 cents also. I snatched up 5.
3- 34 x 2 = 68, So 136 for $2.97
2 – 40 x 2 = 80, So 160 for $1.98

All together = 296 extra long liners for $4.95 plus tax!
Even the male cashier said “WOW that is a great deal!”

3 comments to CVS

  • Anonymous

    None of the Always look like the Infinity ones, I thought the $4.00 off coupon was for the Infinity style only. I've never noticed a $4.00 off coupon from any circular for just the regular Always, it's only been for the Infinity style.
    Is this a situation where the cashier "pushed" the coupon through after it possible beeped?

  • Coupon Contessa

    OPPS! I never even read the coupons. I just took them to the store. BAD ME!!!
    No! The coupon did not beep or anything! Sorry for misleading!

  • Ashley B.

    HEB has Mars candy bars on sale 2 $1 and coupon in their add for buy 3, get 4th free! If you have those real chocolate coupons that you can sign up for on Friday's, you can get all 4 for free! I just got mine Wednesday!